
Open-acces information

The most famous open-source library is a great source for further information on the underlying principles of different sensor technologies.

An open-access library offering a variety of informative texts on topics related to chemistry. It features understandable explanations of sensor fundamentals through articles such as:

Website featuring free tutorials, article references and other information related to laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS). Technical level is relatively high.

Sensor data references / spectral libraries

The United States Geological Service’s spectral library with visible to long-wavelength infrared spectra for many different minerals.

Australia’s alternative to the USGS library with visible to long-wavelength infrared spectra.

Contains raman, FTIR, and x-ray diffraction spectra along with chemical descriptions for a large collection of minerals.

Library of mineral reflectance spectra from the visible to long-wavelength infrared spectral region. It consists of combined datasets from Johns Hopkins University (JHU), Jet Propulsion Library (JPL), and the United States Geological Survey (USGS). Includes NIR, SWIR, MWIR & LWIR spectra. Spectra can be viewed for free (max nr per day). Payment is needed to download data.

Library of atomic emission data useful in the analysis of LIBS measurements.

Alternative to the NIST database for LIBS analysis. For more experienced users.

Contains x-ray transmission energies useful in the analysis of XRF data.